
concept Ass stacking

concept Ass stacking


…I actually don’t know what this should be called


Writing 2girls or 3girls, 4girls, etc. to control the number of butts, and increasing the length of the picture will also control the number of butts

on stomachon back可以在一定程度上控制最下面那一位的身体朝向,它在2girls中比较适用,更多屁股存在时可能比较难以控制

on stomach and on back can control the orientation of the bottom girl to a certain extent, it is more suitable in 2girls, it may be difficult to control when there are more buttocks


If you want to use the character lora for directional control, I guess inpainting with a mask will do the trick


As for the part of controlling the clothes, I don’t think I need to say more


Two butts and three butts are easier to manage, more numbers are a matter of luck (I got up to 9), in the example picture I show some pictures from 2 to 7, but the last few are under review…

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