AI News

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ByteDance proposes a new paradigm called PolyVoice based on LLM to achieve speech translation using a decoder

PolyVoice is a language model-based speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) system that utilizes discrete speech units and a decoder-only framework. Th...

Create an AI math tutoring app using Streamlit, LangChain, and ChatGPT in just 30 lines of code

Learn how to create an AI math tutoring app with just 30 lines of code using Streamlit, LangChain, and ChatGPT to boost productivity. Explore best ...

AI revolutionizes everything! Last week’s hottest news revealed the secrets of artificial intelligence

Last week in AI news, Meta released an open-source AI music generation model and Adobe updated Adobe Express with generative AI tools. Google also ...

How to Create Spectacular Seascape Photography in Midjourney

Discover the history and evolution of seascape photography in this 'Midjourney' masterclass mini-series. Learn about filters commonly used and more.

LLM’s preferred software architecture: based on four fundamental design principles from ArchGuard Co-mate

ArchGuard Co-mate follows three key design principles: functionality, simplicity, and aesthetics. Read on to learn more about how Co-mate incorpora...

Adding pixel-level watermarks to pictures discreetly: a method for preventing AI from plagiarizing artistic creations has been discovered

Learn about the AdvDM algorithm framework that can protect artworks from being used for AI model fine-tuning training, preventing plagiarism. The f...

An iPhone can now handle large-scale motion capture thanks to the Epic tool MetaHuman Animator, which is now available for download

Epic Games has released a short film, 'BluePoint,' showcasing their amazing tool, MetaHuman Animator, which can reproduce speech videos on modeled ...

Tsinghua LiVT uses visual Transformer to learn from long-tail data and solve the issue of imbalanced labeled data

Learn about Tsinghua University's paper presented at CVPR 2023, titled 'Learning Imbalanced Data with Vision Transformers', and its open-source cod...

IBM overcomes the unreliable challenge of quantum computing through error mitigation to achieve useful calculations, as published in Nature

IBM has found a solution to the unreliability challenges of quantum computing through a technique called 'error mitigation,' which overcomes the pr...

Even GPT-4 couldn’t pass the test, with all 17 major models failing miserably. Causal reasoning is just too difficult

Large Language Models (LLMs) have been praised for their language comprehension and logical reasoning abilities, but a recent study shows they stru...