
Alissa White-Gluz Lycoris

Alissa White-Gluz Lycoris

👑 Alissa White-Gluz Lycoris 👑 V5 – Realistic

🔧Model base: AngrA_RealFlex_v02


📝🌟 Trigger: AlissaWhiteGluzQuiron woman, blue hair, <lyco:quiron_AlissaWhiteGluz_Lycoris_v5:1.0>


📝 Variation: <lyco:quiron_AlissaWhiteGluz_Lycoris_v5:Y>, Y=0.6 to 1.0

📝 Denoising strength: 0.30 to 0.65



(best quality:1.1), (masterpiece:1.2), (realistic:1.2), realistic lighting, trending on Artstation, photoshoot of a AlissaWhiteGluztQuiron woman, blue hair, <lyco:quiron_AlissaWhiteGluz_Lycoris_v5:1.0>,


analog style, modelshoot style, portrait of AlissaWhiteGluzQuiron woman, wearing a biomechanical organism on a rampage, bold, bright colours, <lyco:quiron_AlissaWhiteGluz_Lycoris_v5:1.0>,


🚀 This LORA likes: (best quality:1.1), (masterpiece:1.2), (realistic:1.2), (detailed:1.1),

👇 Negative Prompt: paintings, sketches, (worst quality:1.2), (low quality:1.2), (normal quality:1.2), lowres,

💡Sample steps: 18 to 35

💡CFG Scale: 5 to 8.5

Hire. fix: ok

👇Restore faces: Yes /No


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______ Nerd Info: ______

image_count: 4420

num_repeats: 1

shuffle_caption: False

keep_tokens: 0

caption_dropout_rate: 0.0

caption_dropout_every_n_epoches: 0

caption_tag_dropout_rate: 0.0

color_aug: False

flip_aug: False

face_crop_aug_range: None

random_crop: False

token_warmup_min: 1,

token_warmup_step: 0,

is_reg: True

class_tokens: woman

caption_extension: .caption

import network module: lycoris.kohya

Using rank adaptation algo: lora

Apply different lora dim for conv layer

Conv Dim: 1, Linear Dim: 128

Use Dropout value: 0.0

Create LyCORIS Module

create LyCORIS for Text Encoder: 72 modules.

Create LyCORIS Module

create LyCORIS for U-Net: 278 modules.

enable LyCORIS for text encoder

enable LyCORIS for U-Net

prepare optimizer, data loader etc.

num reg images: 4420

num batches oer epoch / 1epoch: 666000

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