Library interior design v0.01

Library interior design v0.01

Hello everyone, I am an architect and museum exhibition designer,you can call me ‘Moogone’, I am very frustrated that it is difficult to find AI models for public space interior design online. Therefore, I have decided to take matters into my own hands. I will be publishing various types of interior design models for public spaces on my Civitai account. These may include museums, planning halls, corporate management spaces, temporary exhibitions, game exhibitions, and other categories. Please follow me to avoid missing out. My wechat number is ‘Moogone’, if you have any suggestion please add my wechat.

大家好,我是一名建筑及博物馆展陈设计师。我很苦恼为什么网络上很难找到公共空间室内设计的AI模型,所以我打算亲自动手了。以后我会在我的Civitai账号上发布各种各样类型的室内公共空间设计模型。可能会涵盖博物馆、规划馆、企业管理、临展、游戏展览等各种各样的类别。大家请关注我以防失联。我的微信名叫做 ‘Moogone’,有反馈或者交流可以随时加我,但是请备注civitai哈~


Library interior design v0.01

Library interior design v0.01

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Background style
Background style

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