GoodFit-Pony | 3D Realistic

I’m glad there are so many good models here now on Pony so I can get a chance to do a merge on them.

Checkpoint mainly for 3D faces + realistic background.

Aiming for a simple prompt

(Lots of times Simple prompt is better )

Able to output clean images for Pony (Especially with High res fix)

All post images using:

Steps: 35,

Sampler: Euler A SGMUniform,

CFG scale: 7,

Hires fix + ADetailer

Prompt: score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up,score_6_up, score_5_up, + things you want

Negative Prompt: score_1, score_2, score_3, score_4, source_furry,

Seems lots of people don’t know the Pony character List ( lots of characters don’t require a Lora to do xD )

Meged and tuning from 2DN-pony

Adding more shadow, lighting, and more real faces.


fix problems with extra hands and legs, and hope for better fingers too.


Few Problems:

-sitting might mess up legs.

-It might be hard to change clothes, Some clothes are cooked with the background

originally just trying to make a checkpoint that is best for my future 3D loras. But the checkpoint itself is working so well.

This checkpoint should have clean results and reasonable detail for the background.

Hardly seen those pony overcooked areas. Examples like “markets” or “streets”.

Also less seems on those 3d model style images.


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