
PCM LoRAs of Stable Diffusion v1-5 for Fast Image Generation

PCM LoRAs of Stable Diffusion v1-5 for Fast Image Generation

LoRA weights of Stable Diffusion v1-5 for fast image generation.

Important Usage Guidance

  1. Use DDIM or Euler instead of LCM for sampling!

  2. The name of each LoRA weights indicates how many inference steps they should be applied.

  3. The name of each LoRA weights indicates whether they are able to use normal CFGs or small CFGs.

    • NormalCFG means that model equipped with the LoRA can use CFG value 4-12 for generation.

    • SmallCFG means that the model equipped with the LoRA can use CFG value 1-2 for generation.

Important Information




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