This is my Sarena Banks LoRA

She is an American social media personality, model, and influencer. She shares fashion, beauty, and lifestyle content across platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and OnlyFans.

If you like this LoRA and want to support me, feel free to tip here:

About the LoRA:

Model created with 50 images. The captions were partially created with WD14.

This LoRA was created using the guide from holostrawberry (

this LoRA was trained used epiCRealism (Natural Sin RC1 VAE) by epinikion. The LoRAs and embeddings of epinikion also help a lot in the creation process.

There are no trigger words, and the words used for the caption can be found within the LoRA info.

To get better results, ADetailer and Hires.fix should be used.

Clip skip: 2

Weight: 1-0.7

Steps: 20+

CFG Scale: 6-7

Sampler: Any

About me:

I’m a fan of AI-generated art, and I’m going to upload my LoRAs to share with the community as I learn and improve. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy these LoRAs as I enhance my skills. Any help is welcome, whether it’s a simple piece of advice or a donation.

Currently, I’ll only be uploading content and won’t be taking on commissions since this is a hobby for me. I don’t feel I’m at the level to charge for specific LoRA creations. However, I’m open to suggestions, and if I have the necessary time, I’ll gladly create the LoRA.

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