
AiARTiST-Golden east 东方黑神话 国风插画多态LORA模型 SDXL

AiARTiST-Golden east 东方黑神话 国风插画多态LORA模型 SDXL

AiARTiST-Golden east 东方黑神话 国风插画多态LORA模型 SDXL




The Enchanting Tapestry of Eastern Mythology









In the opulent tapestry of world folklore, Eastern mythology stands as a radiant and intricate weave, a narrative universe that brims with divine beings, legendary heroes, and profound wisdom. It is a cosmos where dragons coexist with immortals, phoenixes rise from ashes, and celestial entities traverse through the realms of earth, heaven, and hell.

The narratives are steeped in antiquity, echoing from the pages of ancient texts like the I Ching, Journey to the West, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas. They speak of a world where the great Jade Emperor rules over the heavens, while benevolent deities such as Guan Yin embody compassion and mercy. These tales are not mere fables; they are mirrors reflecting the cultural ethos, moral compass, and philosophical underpinnings of Eastern civilizations.

Consider the tale of Nu Wa, the mother goddess who created humans and mended the sky with five-colored stones. This story resonates with themes of creation, preservation, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. Or the epic journey of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, whose adventures symbolize the quest for knowledge, the struggle against oppression, and the importance of discipline and transformation.

Eastern mythology also delves into the mysteries of yin and yang, the balance between light and dark, and the harmonious interplay between nature’s elements. It whispers about the Tao, an eternal flow that permeates all existence, guiding its inhabitants towards enlightenment.

Moreover, these stories carry within them a deep reverence for ancestors, nature, and the interconnectedness of all things. They underscore the belief that every action has a cosmic consequence, and that the ultimate truth lies beyond the veil of the material world.

Eastern mythology is a vast ocean of enchantment, a narrative legacy that transcends time and space. Its characters and narratives continue to inspire, educate, and entertain across generations, serving as a timeless bridge between the past, present, and future. Through these myths, we glimpse the soul of the East, revealing a world rich with spiritual depth, intellectual prowess, and a boundless imagination – a testament to the enduring power of storytelling in human culture.

the legends of Eastern mythology are more than just stories; they are threads woven into the fabric of history, philosophy, and spirituality, painting a vivid portrait of the human experience amidst the mystical and the mundane, illuminating the path toward understanding our place in the grand cosmic dance.

( Generated by AI )






This is an SDXL version of a stylized artwork model that can work well with various realistic models,Can generate mythical art paintings for large models or other auxiliary LoRA style portraits.

It is very easy to use. Choose a style template according to your needs, and use style words to trigger a layout,By modifying the elements in the layout, you can generate works of art featuring Eastern mythology. Looking forward to your creativity!


Trigger word:Goldeneast (or Natural language description)

触发词:手绘风 Goldeneast 写实风 自然语言描述,无需触发



推荐使用 Turbo+LCM底模 / Euler a 采样步数:8 / CFG scale: 1.5 很爽!


推荐尝试 琥珀青叶FP8推理算法可以正常出图,显存占用仅6G无溢出。

其他模型采样步数:20~25  CFG scale: 3.5~5.5 风格变化大,再高会固化

推荐采样方法:Euler a, DPM++ 2M Karras ,DDIM

图片后期处理高清化设置: 8x_NMKD-Superscale_150000_G 可叠加

                                      4x-UltraSharp 或 R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B


[ 以下不需要记录,提供各种样图 ]

写实风格 Realistic style: 直接用文本描述 Natural language description

暗黑风格 Dark Style: 可以加上dark shot,cinematic,abstract,surrealistic

                style by H.R. Giger,fear,a tense expression

手绘风格 illustration: Goldeneast,illustration,chinese ink painting,

                myth,abstract,surrealistic,Oil painting strokes

常用主体:1girl,elf, monster,giant,dragon,

               eastern dragon,phoenix,kylin,whale 等

常用元素:strokes,deep ocean,Floating hair,light particles,

               Glowing petals, glowing butterflies 等



测试问题请留言,业务合作 +V 联系 18008889980 +Q 517131 +Q群 103787031


AiARTiST | Metaverse 中国·山东 数字人/AiGC/元宇宙方向

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