
All Asia flags

All Asia flags

What it is

  • This is a LORA that use in text2img to get better asian countries flags

  • It’s best at weights under <1.2 with accompanying keywords.

  • The data set is a collection free pics

If you like my work please support me on KoFi and Patreon


  1. Download the file

  2. Place it in models\Lora folder (webui)


You can also add it to the prompt by clicking “lora” tab in automatic1111:

You can also type it into the prompt, but it will not work if you make a single typo.
ex <lora:asiaflags01:1>

The SD1.5 model requires the SD1.5 base

Adjust the weights. 0.5 - 1.2

This version of the model is not perfect, as it can generate images for flags accurately but does not accept many changes in the images, affecting the image quality, especially if you try to add other elements to the images besides the flag. It also produces distorted faces. I will try to train a better version in the future.

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