
Diane Kruger / Helen of Troy

Diane Kruger / Helen of Troy

IMPORTANT: Please use the trigger word and check the sample images for prompts.
You can leave a comment/ post your images to the model page if you are facing issues and I will help in any way I can.
Do not leave bad reviews without reaching out first.

LORA trained on 38 publicly available images of Diane Kruger.
Trained on base SD 1.5, should work with most models.

Use ADetailer if details are lost and strength of 0.8 should work on most prompts.
This model comes with an optional trigger word h3l3nto replicate Helen from the Troy movie.

(19, 14, 5 images) – (24, 16, 4 repeats) – the last one is 768×512 images. (needed landscape aspect ratio for some of the training images).
Picked the 7th epoch. The likeness is better in the later epochs but there are also signs of overfitting. Let me know if you guys want the other epochs, i can upload them as a different version.
Consider leaving a review if you like the model. All feedback is appreciated.

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