JK Bosom V01 [realistic breasts]

JK Bosom V01 [realistic breasts]

This Checkpoint was available with early access on my Patreon.

JK Bosom V01 [realistic breasts]​​​​​​​

The V02 is available now for patrons.


Quick start:

🖼️ See some examples 🖼️(NSFW)

️🔍How to use (Documentation)🔎

Steps: 35 Sampler: DPM++ family CFG scale: 7 to 10

  • 💡 It is really recommended to do hires. fix in your generations. It can greatly increase the quality. This is my main hires setup: Hires upscale: 1.75, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscaler: TGHQFace8x_500k, Denoising strength: 0.33

Suggested prompt format:

[main style] of [woman main characteristics], [breasts and body characteristics], [scenario], [style and composition characteristics]

Suggested negative prompt:

(fat, plump:1.4), piercing, (text, logo, watermark, sepia, b&w, monochrome, artist name:1.4) FastNegativeV2

Some problems:

• It is possible that logos and watermarks will appear in some generations.

• Sometimes hands can get buggy.

• The pussies are also a bit of a problem, but with a little patience you can do it.

This model has 2 official versions: the normal version and the 4train. The 4train has been adapted for LoRA training and use in ComfyUI.

Checkpoint trained with 2.3k images.

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