
Battlefield Key Visual Style AIO

Battlefield Key Visual Style AIO

Battlefield Key Visual AIO

This model is based on the SDXL, trained according to the key art of the Battlefield game series. This model integrates the artistic styles from various Battlefield titles and can be invoked on demand. It aims to provide a high-contrast style similar to original concept arts.

How to use:

Users need to have the SDXL base model (or fine-tuned SDXL model) as a prerequisite. Then, call this model in the prompts. The recommended weight is 0.7~1.0. Use bf3, bf4, bf1, bfv as prompts to specify a particular conceptual style.

When using specific concepts, I suggest using the following prompts together:

  • bf3: long exposure, tracer

  • bf4: bokeh, depth of field

  • bf1: light streak, lens flare

  • bfv: light streak, lens flare, bokeh

  • Overall: explosion, fire, fire sparks, burning


  • According to my personal testing, this model performs poorly on base models which are finetuned in anime styles.

  • It may randomly generate some distorted military uniforms/tacticals/firearms.

I am still working on optimizing this model. If you have feedback or better training ideas, please contact me. Thank you.




用户需要拥有SDXL基础模型(或者微调过的SDXL模型)作为前置,然后在Prompt里调用此模型。推荐的权重为0.7~1.0。 用bf3, bf4, bf1, bfv作为Prompts来指定特定作品中的概念风格。


  • bf3: long exposure, tracer

  • bf4: bokeh, depth of field

  • bf1: light streak, lens flare

  • bfv: light streak, lens flare, bokeh

  • 总体:explosion, fire, fire sparks, burning


  • 根据我本人的测试,该模型在动漫风格特化的底模上表现欠佳。

  • 可能会随机出现一些扭曲的军服/防弹衣/枪械。


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