
Psychedelic Colorize | ComfyUI workflow

Psychedelic Colorize | ComfyUI workflow

Two workflows to recolor your images with rich “psychedelic” colors. One version uses a Stable Diffusion picture generation, and the other doesn’t.

How it works

NoGeneration version

Adjust brightness + Adjust and rotate hue = Contrast unexpected colors

PatternGeneration version

Generate colorful pattern + Transfer colors = Wavy psychedelic colors

Installation and dependencies

NoGeneration version

  1. Install WAS Node Suite custom nodes;

  2. Install Masquerade custom nodes;

  3. Download and open this workflow.

PatternGeneration version

  1. Install ComfyI2I custom nodes;

  2. Download and open this workflow.

  3. (optional) Download and use a good model for digital art, like Paint or A-Zovya RPG Artist Tools.

Check out my other workflows. If you look into color manipulations, you might also be interested in Rotate Hue workflow.

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