
Background Remover and Alpha Mask Maker

Background Remover and Alpha Mask Maker

I was watching @jboogx_creative‘s video about his awesome new workflow and I figured I’m just way to lazy to go and remove backgrounds using rotoscoping (I did try, it’s too much damn work).

So I made a workflow that does it for me. Granted it is not perfect and will not give you the perfect results as if you were doing it by hand, you are gonna have to live with artifacts here or there if you use this, but thats the price of lazyness.

  1. Load up you vid.

  2. Change select_every_nth to suit your needs

  3. Change frame_rate on the outputs to suit your needs

  4. Prompt for what you want to be kept in the outputs

  5. Adjust the threshold, 20-25 seems to work pretty nicely

  6. ???

  7. Profit!

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