
DallE Image Generator – Batch generate DallE3 images with OpenAI API

DallE Image Generator - Batch generate DallE3 images with OpenAI API

What is this?

This is a image generator using ChatGPT (API) to generate images based on your prompt.

The purpose of it is to generate images as training data for model training. Since DallE3 has a huge parameter count, it’s very responsive to detailed prompting, and can produce images that SD 1.5 cannot do. So it can be a useful tool to create styles to train SD 1.5 on.


  1. Open the settings.ini and add your OpenAI API Key.

  2. Launch

  3. Look at the settings on the top/right side. There’s mouse-over information, or see the section below.

  4. Edit the prompt. Optional: You can use brackets as [VARIABLES].

  5. Optional: Press the Analyze Prompt-button. It will add a text-field for any [VARIABLES] you added. You only need to do this if you are using [VARIABLES].

  6. Optional: Fill in the list of variables for each of your [VARIABLES]. Each line you add here will generate 1 image. If you use multiple variables, the script will make all possible combinations. Use with caution!

  7. Press the Preview Prompt-button.

  8. Press the Generate-button. You will be told the cost of generation and asked to proceed.

  9. Images should be output to a folder with today’s date, and the images/captions/logs will be output based on the settings.


WARNING: If you change settings, you should press the [SAVE SETTINGS]-button, and then restart the program before generating again. There are some interface bugs I haven’t fixed so it needs to refresh like this for now.

Dataset: If you have a dataset in the field, all images will be placed inside a sub-folder with this name. If used with the Caption setting, the dataset will be added as a prefix to the caption-file.

Caption: If you want to output a caption file. If you have a dataset name, this will be used as a prefix. The caption will either use the prompt that you provided, or if you used the [conceptify] option, it will be the concept.

Log: Outputs a .log-file for each generation. It contains the prompt and some other information.

Conceptify: If enabled, the script will look for an additional layer of [brackets] in your [VARIABLES]. This additional brackets is meant to be a shorter version of your variable, which will be used to place images in a folder based on the name of it. For example: If you enter “[plane] an airplane in the skies” for one of your variables, this image will be generated in a “plane”-subfolder, and the word “plane” will be used as the caption, but the image prompt will use “an airplane in the skies”.

Quantity: The number of copies of each image to generate. Do not use values of 10 or higher.

Model Version: DallE2 or DallE3.

Quality: Standard or HD (only for DallE3).

Resolution: Based on the model.

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