
Wier (Thai Actors)

Wier (Thai Actors)

Trains with a focus on facial appearance and body shape


  • Use any checkpoint based on SD1.5

  • Size 512×768, 768×768, 768×512

  • CFG: 5-9

  • Use : DPM++ 2M SDE Karras (Highly recommend, fast and delivers excellent quality)

  • Steps: 25-35

  • Strength: 0.65-0.85

  • Adetailer / Inpaint Strength: 1 (Highly recommend)

  • You can add more mustache or beard with these tags : mustache, facial hair, beard


Educational Pursuit Declaration:

The following disclaimer pertains to an educational endeavor driven solely by academic motives, excluding any commercial interests. The primary aim of this undertaking is to craft an artificial character through the innovative application of AI technology, imbued with the exquisite attributes inspired by the individuals mentioned above. We strongly encourage your support should you hold an appreciation for their creative output.

Ethical Stand Against Indecency:

It is imperative to emphasize our unwavering stance against the creation or dissemination of immodest imagery depicting any of the individuals featured within this AI model. Furthermore, we do not condone the marketing or distribution of generated visuals featuring individuals within this model. We earnestly implore all to desist from engaging in activities that might compromise the online conduct of these individuals.

Responsible Online Conduct Advisory:

We feel compelled to underscore the importance of conducting oneself responsibly and respectfully in the digital realm. It is worth noting that all individuals incorporated within this model are of legal adult age, which makes it paramount that any content shared or created aligns with established norms of decorum and respect, particularly in the context of their online presence.

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