Image enhancer v1.0

Image enhancer improves the details and quality of images to a lesser or greater extent, depending on the strength used. I have created several levels of strength that will be better depending on the image we want to improve.

image enhancer soft

Improves the image very slightly, adding details to the background and the protagonist of the picture without modifying the composition too much. Very useful if you want to fix a slight imperfection or give it a small touch of quality.

image enhancer medium

Introduce more details, slightly modify the background, and may slightly change the protagonist’s pose.

image enhancer high

Introduce many details, modify the background and change the pose of the protagonist. The lighting also usually changes.

image enhancer extreme

For sudden changes without distorting the image. Modify the pose of the protagonist, the background, the lighting and introduce maximum detail to the image by changing the initial composition.

instructions for use

Place the LoRa on the prompt where you want with strength 1. No trigger word needed.

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