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Emily – Angel Blade Series (ft. Degenerate Necktie)

Emily - Angel Blade Series (updated)

My first model. She’s a dirty girl…
I somehow thought it would be a good idea to create a model of character that has no fanart, minimal screentime, and spends most of her limited time without clothes.

So… half of the dataset comes from screencaps, and the other half is from images I’ve generated with earlier versions of this model.

What it does well:

  • Consistent face, bangs, twintails, blue eyes…

  • Also, produced what I’m calling the “Degenerate Necktie” that rests in her cleavage.

  • Has no problem getting nude. (Large Breasts, slim waist, thicc hips by default.)

  • Works best with anime models, but also has 10% realistic images in the dataset.

  • Works well with other LoRA’s. She can cosplay pretty easily.

What it struggles with:

  • Wants to produce longer hair by default due to “twintails” tag.

  • Sometimes produces upper half of a white shirt that connects to the collar, ends where the cleavage begins.

  • Necktie likes to extend below the breasts, cleavage line (suggest including “buttons” in prompt after “black top”

  • Struggles with the sleeves on the blue officer’s jacket. Blue jacket is supposed to be short sleeved, with detachable black sleeves. Sleeves are often rolled, or short.

  • Produces golden emblems instead of grey hexagons on the upper sleeves.

  • Doesn’t produce pubic hair that resembles source material (full bush).

  • Hands are hit and miss, the more complex the prompt the more likely for bad hands.

  • prompting ‘panties’ may result in thong straps above the skirt.

Words that help with prompting full outfit, (blue jacket):

1girl, emilyab, short hair, pink hair, twintails, blue eyes, blush, blue degen_necktie, cleavage, black top, buttons, large breasts, blue jacket, black longsleeves, armband, gold bracelet, perfect hands, midriff, navel, blue skirt, panties, cowboy shot,

Words that help with prompting (less clothing):

blue degen_necktie, cleavage, black top, 'breast size', 
bare shoulders, 
'black detached sleeves, armband, gold bracelet',
midriff, navel, 

This model release is not intended to take the wind out of Puzzled/Enigmata’s sails. The rest of the character’s from the Angle Blade series can be found on their creator page.

Special thanks goes out to FallenIncursio, novowels, EDG, RichyRich, AstreaPixie, JustTNP, and everyone else on novowels discord server for all the support as I’ve learned.

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