
World of Undead

World of Undead

bit of a warning with this one, if your after normal “sfw” skeletons you might want to add nudity in the negative prompts, it leans more towards female skeletons for some reason.

World of Undead! turn your worlds into a world filled with zombies and skeletons!

Works best at 0.6 to 1.4 for a more grotesque look!

it was not trained with other colours but you MIGHT be able to get them at a push

try combining with Navimixu’s and MNeMiC’s world morphs or Konicony’s ai’s, or if your feeling more WILD try out Donmischo’s Billions of wildcards!

I use navimixu’s method of pictures, 512×512 with hires of 1.5, img2img with a resolution of 1024×1024

and feel free to show off your work! seriously the more you guys post the more it lets me know you guys want more like this!

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