
Changpeng Zhao Binance CEO

This Lora was trained on 20 images of the Changpeng Zhao Binance CEO

Prompt: close up portrait Changpeng Zhao Binance CEO, chinese man in glasses, bald, cyberpunk man connected to cyberspace, wires, cables, tubes, complex, surreal, futuristic, three fourth perspective, high tech, line art, (flat colors), masterpiece, high quality, 8k, best_quality, <lora:CZ_2_CH:1>

Negative promt: easynegativev4, duplicate, black and white

Model: Realistic Invision

Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 560489971, Size: 512×704, Model hash: a8e08b582e, Model: realisticVisionV30_v30VAE, Lora hashes: “CZ_2_CH: 5c3e8e8cc689”

You can use other prompt and other models it gives interesting and unpredictable results

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