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Perlin Power Fractal Noise for ComfyUI

Perlin Power Fractal Noise

Create highly customizable PPF Noise input for ComfyUI generation. Using this novel approach power uses can create generations with high frequency details right in their base generations. In many cases, offers better stabilization then base ComfyUI noise, especially for product conceptualization as seen below:

Perlin Power Fractal Noise for ComfyUI

( High frequency noise input allows product generation to be more stable, and centered, following your prompt better )

PPF Noise input seems to help with base generations pixel noise distribution, which in turns helps with post processing techniques such as AI Upscaling, where results show possibly less artifacting:

Perlin Power Fractal Noise for ComfyUI

Perlin Power Fractals and Stable Diffusion with ComfyUI


This study introduces a groundbreaking method for generating latent noise by employing the Perlin Power Fractal algorithm. With its ability to create intricate and dynamic visual patterns, this algorithm shows promising potential in enhancing generative text-to-image synthesis. By harnessing the inherent complexities of fractal geometry, this approach offers a distinctive path to seamlessly integrate textual and visual elements within creative and generative applications.


The generation of tensor images characterized by intricate noise patterns assumes a pivotal role in the realm of generative text-to-image synthesis—an interdisciplinary field that bridges linguistic expressions with visual manifestations. In this context, we propose an innovative application of the Perlin Power Fractal algorithm to craft latent noise tensor images, laying the foundation for the seamless fusion of textual concepts and visual representations.


This section unveils the intricate layers and guiding principles that underpin the Perlin Power Fractal noise algorithm. The algorithm finds its roots in the profound domain of fractal geometry, a mathematical paradigm renowned for its ability to generate visually captivating and self-similar patterns across varying scales. This segment delves deeply into the algorithm’s intricate design and meticulously elucidates its key parameters—each a vital contributor to the algorithm’s capacity to produce intricate and diverse noise patterns.

Fractal Geometry and Octaves:

At the heart of the Perlin Power Fractal algorithm lies the fundamental concept of fractal geometry—a conceptual framework celebrated for its capacity to generate intricately detailed and self-consistent patterns across multiple scales. Leveraging the concept of “octaves,” the algorithm introduces nuanced variations at distinct scales. By carefully modulating the frequency and amplitude of noise, the algorithm seamlessly interweaves intricate details while preserving an overarching coherent structure (subject to parameter tuning).

Parameterization for Dynamic Noise:

The Perlin Power Fractal algorithm employs a set of foundational parameters to orchestrate the synthesis of latent noise patterns. The “persistence” parameter occupies a pivotal role by governing the attenuation of amplitude as octaves progress. This controlled attenuation ensures that minute intricacies remain preserved within the broader context. In contrast, the “lacunarity” parameter plays a complementary role by modulating noise frequency, resulting in a harmonious interplay between local intricacies and more expansive structural elements.

Empowering Noise Intensity:

In the quest to generate visually captivating noise patterns, the algorithm introduces the “exponent” parameter. By subjecting noise values to a power function, this parameter accentuates disparities, yielding an intensified representation of noise intensity. This broad dynamic range of noise values contributes to the diversity of patterns, enriching the visual aesthetics of the resulting images.

Dimensional Precision through Scaling:

To traverse the spatial dimensions of the noise patterns, the algorithm incorporates the “scale” parameter. Functioning as a scaling factor, this parameter delineates the dimensions of the generated patterns, thereby influencing noise frequency and amplitude across the image. Consequently, it provides a mechanism for fine-tuning the interplay between intricate details and the holistic coherence of the pattern.


Through the manipulation of algorithmic parameters, a diverse spectrum of visual outcomes emerges in the realm of diffusion generation. This spans from subtle, smooth patterns to intricate, intensified formations replete with high-frequency details. The implications of these results extend to offering users control over rich contrast and high-frequency ranges within the landscape of generative text-to-image synthesis.

Perlin Power Fractal Noise for ComfyUI Perlin Power Fractal Noise for ComfyUI Perlin Power Fractal Noise for ComfyUI


The Perlin Power Fractal algorithm, expounded upon in this exploratory study, emerges as a potent tool for crafting curated latent noise—a valuable asset in the context of generative text-to-image synthesis. As the discipline of noise generation remains relatively uncharted, further research is imperative to grasp the full spectrum of benefits and potential limitations when integrating latent diffusion models into creative applications.

Author: Jordan Thompson GitHub: WASasquatch

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