
Gaoranger – Tsuetsue / ツエツエ
Gaoranger - Tsuetsue / ツエツエ
Jetman – Empress Juuza | 女帝 ジューザ
Jetman - Empress Juuza | 女帝 ジューザ
Abaranger – Lijewel / リジュエル
Abaranger - Lijewel / リジュエル
Rishe Irmgard Weitzner | 7th Time Loop
Rishe Irmgard Weitzner | 7th Time Loop
Lerajie | FROM Virtues of the villainess
Lerajie | FROM Virtues of the villainess
Ginger | FROM Virtues of the villainess
Ginger | FROM Virtues of the villainess