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((cinemtic shoot)) ((fantasy)) , ((rpg)), ((focus on character)), full body shoot, photo of Lord Adrik "Stonehelm" Grimbeard Dwarf Thane Lord Adrik Grimbeard, known as "Stonehelm" among the Dwarfs, has a stoic and venerable presence. His braided silver beard and runes-carved armor add an aura of ancient wisdom and resilience to his appearance. His steely blue eyes, gleaming with determination, mirror his unwavering commitment to upholding the ancient traditions and avenging the grudges of his kin. Lord Adrik's thane attire, adorned with symbols of his clan and the forged symbols of his victories, symbolizes his status as a respected leader and a stalwart defender of the hold. At his side, he carries a mighty rune-etched warhammer and a double-bladed axe, weapons he wields with both the skill of a master smith and the fury of an avenging warrior. As he leads his people in the ongoing war against the greenskins and the forces of chaos, Lord Adrik becomes a celestial guardian, his every act a testament to the unyielding spirit of the Dwarfs and their enduring legacy. , intricated skin, realistic, ((photorealistic)) rim lights, dark shadows, cinematic scene , movie shoot , extremely detailed, glass reflection, dark shadows, hard light hard shadows, ,vellus,subcutaneous veins,, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget Hollywood film, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, detailed background , ((darkfull )) , detailed , , SK_ANALOGFILM
Negative prompt
ugly, poor quality, normal quality, naked, big breats, anime, 3d style , frame, croped too many fingers, portarit, ac_neg2 ac_neg1, unity, 3d, render,
CFG Scale
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