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((cinemtic shoot)) ((fantasy)) , ((rpg)), ((focus on character)), full body shoot, photo of Katarina "Bloodthorn" Von Draken (Vampire Courtier): Katarina Von Draken, known as "Bloodthorn" among the Vampire Courtiers, has a regal and commanding presence. Her jet-black hair and her piercing crimson eyes add an aura of seduction and danger to her appearance. Her elegant, noble figure, adorned with jewels and symbols of vampiric royalty, mirrors her mastery of courtly intrigue and her status as a favored consort of the vampire lords. Katarina's courtier attire, adorned with opulent fabrics and symbols of vampiric nobility, symbolizes her status as a feared and respected manipulator within the courts of the undead. At her side, she carries a jeweled and ornate rapier and a wicked, gem-encrusted warhammer, weapons she wields with both the grace of a noblewoman and the deadly precision of a vampire temptress. As she schemes and plots within the vampire courts and exerts her influence over the undead aristocracy, Katarina becomes a celestial enchantress, her every word a whispered spell and her every victory a tribute to the allure of the night. , intricated skin, realistic, ((photorealistic)) rim lights, dark shadows, cinematic scene , movie shoot , extremely detailed, glass reflection, dark shadows, hard light hard shadows, ,vellus,subcutaneous veins,, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget Hollywood film, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, detailed background , ((darkfull )) , detailed , , SK_DIGITALART
Negative prompt
ugly, poor quality, normal quality, naked, big breats, anime, 3d style , frame, croped too many fingers, portarit, ac_neg2 ac_neg1, unity, 3d, render,
CFG Scale
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